Stuffed Karela/Stuffed Bitter Gourd/भरवां करेला
2.Remove the upper rough outer layer of it and wash them once again.Some people soak them in salt water to remove the bitterness of but we avoid that process.Now give a vertical cut on center of bitter gourds.Few people prefer removing seeds but in Chhattisgarhi method of preparation we retain the seeds inside.

3.Its time to prepare filling with coriander powder,cumin powder ,red chili powder,salt,turmeric powder and little dry mango powder or lemon juice.

4. Pour some water and mix all the ingredients well and start stuffing the bitter gourds one by one.

5.Take some oil in a pan and heat it .

6. Once it gets hot enough then start putting bitter gourds one by one .While doing the procedure one has to careful about the hot oil .Cover the lid and let it cook.
7.After 15-20miutes of the cooking stuffed bitter gourds get ready to serve .This recipe can last for 5-7 days in freeze.
Note : Bitter Gourd is not the favorite dish for many of us but we all know the medical importance of this vegetable. In Chhattsigarh karela is found in most of people's kitchen garden and very popular among all.It works on maintaining higher blood sugar level,cholesterol and purifying agent for blood
Chhattisgarhi method of stuffed karela is the most simple and easy recipe to cook ,which takes minimum efforts and contains its most of the nutritious elements.
Bitter Gourd-1/2 kg (3-4 pieces)
Coriander Powder-3-4 table spoons
Salt - as per taste
Cumin Powder-2-3 table spoons
Red chili powder-1/2 table spoon
Turmeric powder- 1/2 table spoons
Mango powder/lemon juice
Method of Stuffed Karela/Stuffed Bitter Gourd/भरवां करेला
Preparation of Bitter Gourd:
1. Take half a kg bitter gourd or 4-5 pieces of it.
2.Wash them once and start peeling the outer rough cover of it with the peeler.
3.Wash them again and slit the bitter gourd on center in length.
4.Repeat the process with all bitter gourds.
5.You can remove the seeds on choice as in Chhattishgarh people love having them with the seeds.
Preparation of Bitter Gourd Stuffing:
1. Take 3-4 table spoon of coriander powder .The coriander powder is the base of stuffing so quantity would be little more than other ingredients.
2. Add 2-3 table spoons of cumin powder , the second ingredient which is more in quantity.
3. Add salt as per taste, little more than half a table spoon .(Taste the salt once stuffing is prepared.)
4.Add Turmeric and red chili powder half a table spoons each .
5.Sprinkle dry Mango Powder half a table spoon of squeez half lemon juice.
6 . Pour little water on ingredient mixture and start mixing it with hand or spoon .
How to make stuffed Karela/Stuffed Bitter Gourd/भरवां करेला :
1. Now Open the bitter gourd from the slitted center and start filling it ,with the small quantity of prepared stuffing. Stuff all the bitter gourd with the same process.
2.Take a pan and heat the Oil in it .
3.Once the oil is warm enough ,start putting the stuffed bitter gourds in the hot oil gently one by one.
4. Cover the lid and leave it for some time on medium flame.
5.After 7 to 8 minutes open the lid and turn the bitter gourds gently to other sides of it.
6.Don't cover it and cook them at lower flame for 10 more minutes.
7.Stuffed bitter gourds are ready to serve with steamed rice and daal.
Stuffed Karela/Stuffed BitterGourd/भरवां करेला Recipe Video :
Step-by-Step Chhattisgarhi Stuffed Karela/Stuffed BitterGourd/भरवां करेला
1. Small size of bitter gourds are preferable for bharwan or stuffed karela ,though you can cut the the bigger bitter gourds in 2-3 pieces. Take half a kg of bitter gourd ,wash them thoroughly.
2.Remove the upper rough outer layer of it and wash them once again.Some people soak them in salt water to remove the bitterness of but we avoid that process.Now give a vertical cut on center of bitter gourds.Few people prefer removing seeds but in Chhattisgarhi method of preparation we retain the seeds inside.

3.Its time to prepare filling with coriander powder,cumin powder ,red chili powder,salt,turmeric powder and little dry mango powder or lemon juice.

4. Pour some water and mix all the ingredients well and start stuffing the bitter gourds one by one.

5.Take some oil in a pan and heat it .

6. Once it gets hot enough then start putting bitter gourds one by one .While doing the procedure one has to careful about the hot oil .Cover the lid and let it cook.
7.After 15-20miutes of the cooking stuffed bitter gourds get ready to serve .This recipe can last for 5-7 days in freeze.

Note : Bitter Gourd is not the favorite dish for many of us but we all know the medical importance of this vegetable. In Chhattsigarh karela is found in most of people's kitchen garden and very popular among all.It works on maintaining higher blood sugar level,cholesterol and purifying agent for blood
भरवां करेला बनाने के १/२ किलो छोटे करेले लीजिये अगर बड़े करेले ले रहे हों तोह उसे २-३ छोटे टुकड़ों में काट लीजिये। अब करेलों को धो कर अच्छे से बहार की परत को छील लें। कुछ लोग करेले की कड़वाहट को कम करने के लिए छिले हुए करेले को कुछ देर नमक के पानी में डूबाकर छोड़ देते हैं। इस विधि में हम ऐसा नहीं कर रहे हैं।
अब आप छिले हुए करेलों को बीच से लम्बाई में काट लें। और चाहें तोह बीच से करेलों के बीजों को निकल लें। छत्तीसगढ़ी खाद्य विधि में बीजों का महत्व है जिसके कारण हम इसे नहीं हटा रहे हैं।
अब करेलों में भरने के लिए मसलों की तैयारी करते हैं। मसलों में सबसे ज्यादा भाग धनिया पाउडर का रहता है। आप ३-४ छोटे चम्मच धनिया पाउडर का लें इसमें २-३ छोटे चम्मच जीरा पाउडर और १/२ चम्मच हल्दी ,मिर्ची पाउडर और १/२ चम्मच अमचूर पाउडर या फिर आधा निम्बू का रस मिला लें। अब इसमें थोड़ा पानी डाल कर मिश्रण तैयार कर लें।
अब इस तैयार मसलों के मिश्रण को थोड़ा थोड़ा ,बीच से कटे हुए करेलों के बीच भरें। जब सभी करेलों में मसाले भर जाये तब एक कड़ाई में तेल ले कर गरम करें , और जब तेल गरम हो जाए तो धीरे धीर एक एक करेलों को तेल में रखें। जब सारे करेलों को तेल में रख लें फिर ढक कर मधयम आंच में पकने दें। ७-८ मिनट के बाद ढककर खोलें और करेलों को पलट दें, और खुला करके धीमी आंच में पकने दें. १५-२० मिनट में भरवां करेले गर्म चांवल और दाल के साथ खाने के लिए तैयार हैं।
नोट: करेला प्रयातः बहुत से लोगों को पसंद नहीं होता ,पर हम सभी को इसके स्वास्थवर्धक गुणों के बारे में पता है। छत्तीसगढ़ में लोगों के बाडियों में करेले की बेलें प्रयातः पाई जाती है। करेला मधुमेह(शुगर),कोलेस्ट्रोल नियंत्रक और खून साफ़ करने वाला होता है।
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