The State of Chhattisgarh is known as rice bowl of India and follows a rich tradition of food culture .The Food preparation falls in different categories . Most of the traditional and tribe foods are made by rice and rice flour , curd(number of veg kadis) and variety of leaves like lal bhaji,chech bhaji ,kohda , bohar bhaji. Badi and Bijori are optional food categories also Gulgula ,pidiya ,dhoodh fara,balooshahi ,khurmi falls in sweet categories.

Jai Sai Baba

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Friday, August 14, 2020

Munga Aloo Badi -Drumsticks Curry


Munga-Badi -Aloo Recipe/Drumsticks curry


Drumsticks(Munga/Sahjan/Muranga)-2-3 sticks
Potatoes - 2
Badi (Protein Balls)- 7-8 big pieces or 1 fist small ones
Onion paste
Tomato paste 
Ginger Garlic paste -1/2 table spoon
Bay leaves/Cloves/Cardamom -2-3 leaves
Chopped Coriander Leaves
Hing -little 
Salt - As per taste
Turmeric Powder -1/2 table spoon
Red Chili Powder -1/2 table spoon
Coriander Powder -1/2 table spoon
Cumin Powder - 1/2 table spoon

Watch Complete recipe Here :


Chhattisgarh Recipes Munga Aloo Badi 

1. Take 2-3 drum sticks or cut pieces of drumsticks.

2. Wash it and peel the upper green hard layer vertically.

3. Wash ,peel and chop the potatoes in big pieces.

4. Prepared the onion paste and tomato paste .

Ingredients of Munga Badi Aloo Recipe

5. Heat 2-3 spoons of oil in a pan and heat it .First fry the Badi (dried protein balls).Later, semi fry the potato pieces as well as cut drum stick pieces.

Fried Drumsticks-Potatoes

Curry Preparation: 

6. Add little more oil and heat it in the same pan .

7. For this Chhattisgarh Recipes add bay leaves (Tej Patta) ,cloves and cardamom.

8. Now add onion paste (can be replaced with fine chopped onions),and 1/2 table spoons of garlic ginger paste.

9. Once onion is golden brown then add tomato paste in it and blend well.

10. Wait till onion and tomato paste are well cooked ,add salt as per taste ,1/2 table spoon turmeric powder,1/2 table spoon red chili powder, 1/2 table spoon coriander powder. Mix all the ingredients and cook well,till tittle oil comes out from the mixture.

Munga Aloo Masala

11. Add fried drum sticks,potato pieces as well as fried badi (dried protein balls) and blend well with all masala.

12. Cover the vegetables and cook in medium flame for 2 minutes.

13. Meanwhile boil 2 glasses of water for curry.

14. Open the lid and add boiled water in the drumstick vegetables, mix well and again cover the lid and cook for 5 minutes till it starts boiling.

Munga-Badi-Aloo recipe

15. After 5 minutes of medium flame cooking , we can transfer in a cooker (it is an optional process ) and cook till 2 whistles. 

16 . Open the lid and add 1/2 table spoon of cumin powder. Munga Aloo Badi Recipe is ready to serve with steam rice or Chapati . 

Note : Drumstick (Munga /Muringa/Sahjan ) has plethora of health benefits.In Indian culinary method drumsticks are widely used. Munga tree is very easy to grow as well as its pods, leaves and buds are used in different recipes in Chhattisgarh . Munga -Aloo- Badi is one of the favorite and popular recipe among all .

मुनगा  बड़ी आलू की सब्जी बनाने  के लिए सबसे पहले ,मुनगे को धोकर हल्के से छील लें। इन छिले हुए मुनगों को ४-५ लम्बे टुकड़ों में काट लें। इसी तरह २ आलू को धो कर अच्छे से छीलकर बडे  टुकड़ों में काटें। प्याज़ और टमाटर के पेस्ट तैयार करें। 
एक कड़ाई में तेल गरम करें।बड़ी को पहले तल कर निकाल लें ,उसके बाद आलू और मुनगा को थोड़ा हल्का तल कर निकाल लें।  
अब बचे गरम तेल में खड़े मसाले डाल लें ,अब प्याज़ और  लहसून अदरक के पेस्ट को डाल कर सुनहरा होते तक भून लें। अब टमाटर का पेस्ट डाल कर भुने। इस मिश्रण में स्वादानुसार नमक,हल्दी,मिर्च पाउडर ,धनिया पावडर डाल कर भुनने दें।  जब तेल ऊपर आने लगे तब तले हुए मुनगा ,आलू और बड़ी को डालें।  अच्छी तरह मसालों के साथ मिलाकर ढक कर पकने दें। एक अलग बर्तन  में करीब २ गिलास पानी गरम कर रख लें।  
अब ढक्कन खोलें और सब्जियों को एक बार अच्छी तरह मिलाकर  इनमें गरम पानी डाल दें और उबलने दें। थोड़ी देर बाद पूरी सब्जियों को कुकर में डाल कर २-३ सीटियां होने दें।  
कुकर खोलने पर थोड़ा जीरा पाउडर और धनिया ऊपर से डालें ,गरमा गरम चांवल और रोटी के साथ परोसें।    

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