The State of Chhattisgarh is known as rice bowl of India and follows a rich tradition of food culture .The Food preparation falls in different categories . Most of the traditional and tribe foods are made by rice and rice flour , curd(number of veg kadis) and variety of leaves like lal bhaji,chech bhaji ,kohda , bohar bhaji. Badi and Bijori are optional food categories also Gulgula ,pidiya ,dhoodh fara,balooshahi ,khurmi falls in sweet categories.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Sweet Potatoes leaves -कांदा भाजी- Uses and Benefits

Sweet Potatoes leaves -कांदा भाजी- Uses and Benefits
Germination of Sweet potato Leaves

Kanda Bhaji (Sweet Potato Leaves) 

Scientific Name - Ipomoea Batata

Is Sweet Potato Leaves Edible :

We all must be well aware of Sweet Potatoes (Sakarkand) ,its recipes as well as its health benefits. But only few among us knowing and consuming the Greens of Sweet potatoes, traditionally known in Chhattisgarh as "Kanda Bhaji". Kanda means roots in Chhattisgarh. Asia ,Africa, The Pacific Ocean region people consume Sweet Potato Leaves. 

Sweet Potatoes leaves - Uses and Benefits
Sweet Potato leaves/कांदा भाजी

The Green veggies(Kanda Bhaji/Saag) of Sweet Potatoes are extremely nutritious and delicious. These delicate leaves carries good amount of protein, vitamins like A,B,C,D,E,and K, fibers, minerals like Iron, Celenium, calcium, Beta Carotene, functional elements like Polyphenols, Lutein which reduce the risk of Chronic diseases.

How to Cook Sweet Potatoes Leaves :


  • Sweet Potato leaves (Kanda Bhaji )-1/2 kg or 5-6 bundles
  • Gram lentil (Chana Dal)- 1 fist or Handful 
  • Chopped Garlic - 6-7 Cloves
  • Red Chilies -2-3 pieces 
  • Oil -2-3 table spoons
  • Salt - as per taste
  • Chopped Tomatoes (optional)-1

Sweet Potatoes leaves are edible
Recipe of Sweet Potato Leaves/कांदा भाजी


  • Take 1/2 kg or 5-6 bundles of  green, soft, heart shaped leaves of Sweet Potatoes(Kanda Bhaji ).

  • Pluck the Kanda leaves from it's soft branches. The sweet potatoes leaves are generally very soft so it cooks very easily that's why chopping in fine pieces is not required

  • Wash the leaves 3-4 times thoroughly. 

  • In a cooker take the small quantity of gram lentil(Chana dal), add the half cup  of water and little salt .Close the cooker lid and switch on the gas. wait till 2-3 whistles to come. Switch off the gas and let the cooker’s pressure come down.

  • Now open the lid of cooker and add Sweet Potatoes leaves (Kanda Bhaji ).Close the lid and give just 1 single whistle in  medium flame .(Do not add extra water in cooker). 

  • Once the cooker's pressure comes down, open the lid and check the boiled Sweet Potatoes leaves. 

  • (The boiling of the Gram lentils/Chana dal and Sweet potatoes leaves can be done in any pan or kadai also with above given quantity of water). 

  • Take a pan and heat it on the gas stove. Take 2-3 spoons of oil in a pan. Once the oil is hot, tamper with 6-7 chopped garlic,2-3 red chilies, if you are adding chopped tomato then cook it for 2 minutes.

  • Once tomatoes are added then transfers the boiled Sweet Potatoes leaves (Kanda Bhaji ) from the cooker. Mix them well and add salt further if required. Do not add any amount of water here. Cover it for some time and cook until all the water from the Bhaji  gets evaporated.

  • Once leaves are dry you can serve with steamed rice and daal. The Sweet Potatoes leaves (Kanda Bhaji ) really taste delicious.

Note: Traditional Chhattisgarh foods are close to nature and give balance diet. The Sweet Potatoes leaves (Kanda Bhaji ) are very famous and part for culinary in Chhattisgarh since ages. These leaves are not only tasteful but abundantly rich with many healthy nutrients. 

Benefits Of Sweet Potato Leaves/Kanda Bhaji Health Nutrients:

  1. Sweet Potato leaves contains Polyphenols ,which is very important antioxidants and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.
  2. The consumption of Sweet Potato Veggies maintain the necessary level of Lutein in body ,which prevents against age related molecular degeneration.
  3. Sweet Potato leaves are used for many Skin related conditions.
  4. Sweet Potato Leaves are rich in Vit K ,which helps in maintaining calcium level in body ,which lowers the risk of bone loss in body.
  5. Sweet potato leaves lowering the risk of heart attack. It reduces the inflammation in cell linings of arteries and veins.
  6. Sweet Potato leaves are good for Eyes health.  

कांदा भाजी या शकरकंदी  के पत्तों की रेसिपी हिंदी में पढ़ें :

कांदा भाजी या शकरकंदी  के पत्तों  को तोड़ लें और  अच्छे से धो लें।ये पत्तियां बहुत ही नरम होती हैं इसलिए बारीक़ काटने की ज़रुरत नहीं पड़ती। एक कुकर में थोड़ा चना दाल लें  और धो लें। १/२ कप पानी कुकर में डालें और २-३ सिटी होते तक पका लें। अब कुकर को ठंडा होने दे। अब  कुकर में दाल के साथ धुले हुए कांदा या शकरकंदी  के पत्तों को डालें और , थोड़ा नमक डाल कर कुकर को बंद कर गैस में चढ़ाएं और १ सिटी दें। अलग से और पानी डालने की ज़रुरत नहीं है।

अब  तेल गरम करें ,उसमें ६-७ कटे लहसुन ,२-३  लाल मिर्च ,और यदि अगर आप टमाटर कटे डालना चाहें तोह इस समय टमाटर के टुकड़ों को डालकर पकाएं। अब  कुकर में पके हुए कांदा भाजी या शकरकंदी  के  पत्तों को डालें और ऊपर  से स्वाद अनुसार नमक फैलाएं,और ढक कर पकने दें।   भाजी को  तब तक पकने दें जब तक पानी  पूरा  वाष्पीकृत ना हो जाए। 
एक बार भाजी अच्छे से सूख जाए तो गरम  गरम चांवल के साथ परोसें। 

टिप्पणी : छत्तीसगढ़ में गर्मियों के मौसम से बारिश की शुरुआत तक कांदा भाजी ज्यादातर खायी जाती है।  कांदा भाजी या शकरकंदी  के पत्ते  खनिज लवण से भरपूर होते हैं और पाचन में सहायक होते हैं।यह पत्तियां  स्वादिष्ट होने के साथ साथ  बहुत सारे स्वास्थ प्रदान करने वाले तत्वों से भरपूर होती है। 

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